Reception tours available.

Equalities information

How we are complying with the Equality Act 2010

Our school is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents / carers and guardians irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background.

We have put in place an effective culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life.

Please click here for our Equality objectives 

Please click here for our School focussed objectives 

Please click here for our School focussed information and how we are approaching the protected characteristics of the Equality Act as listed below

•    age
•    disability
•    gender re-assignment

•    pregnancy or maternity
•    marriage and civil partnership
•    race

•    religion and belief
•    sex
•    sexual orientation

School statistics for Reception to Year 6

We take an annual snapshot at the end of each Spring term in order to give an overview of the school statistics.

Last updated at Easter 2024: -

Number of pupils 
193 (47% Male and 53% Female)
Number of school based staff:
23 (13% Male and 87% Female)
Up to date governor information can be found here
Pupil attainment on entry:
Pupils enter Reception lower than the national average
(In year arrivals and leavers)  Pupil mobility :
Percentage of pupil premium students:
Turkish 12%

Black (Caribbean) 10%

Black (Nigerian) 5%

White (British) 5%

White and Black Caribbean 5%

Other  63%
Students with 'English as an additional language':
Students with special educational needs and disabilities:
(Reception - Year 6)  Average pupil attendance rate: