Reception tours: Thurs 9 Jan (2-3pm). Free gift for all.

See what your child is studying this term


At the heart of our curriculum are our children and the community at Enfield Heights Academy.

Our curriculum is designed to empower our pupils and give them a voice to enact change in their communities and beyond. Our curriculum reflects the diversity of our school and our commitment to inclusion and equality of opportunity.

It is underpinned by two drivers: 

• A Force for Positive Change. Find out more here.

• Reading. Find out more here.

We perceive the National Curriculum statements as providing the end outcomes for our children. We have carefully sequenced and developed knowledge and skill progression documents for all areas of learning, starting in Reception and progressing to Year six. 

Each curriculum subject is carefully mapped out, from Reception to Year 6, showing the key substantive and disciplinary knowledge and skills as well as vocabulary to be learned, consolidated and built-on over time as vocabulary to be taught as part of the topic.

The progression documents for each subject detail how teaching links to prior knowledge and skills and each year group builds on previous learning. 

See an example of the Year 3 progression map for Science here. 

If you wish to speak to a member of staff about any aspect of our curriculum, please contact Mr Venn, our deputy head.

What is my child studying?

You can find out what your child is learning in the classroom below.

What the children are learning in the classroom