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Ofsted report praises Enfield Heights Academy - December 2023 inspection

We are happy that the inspectors recognised the excellent progress we have made since the short inspection by Ofsted in November 2021, outlining many areas that have improved across the school including curriculum design, delivery and our results. 

This validation shows the dedication and hard work we all have put into creating a nurturing and positive learning environment for the children who are very successful learners at Enfield Heights. 

Dr. Donald Graham, Chair of the Board of Trustees, said:

"The latest report from Ofsted reflects Enfield Heights Academy's dedication to providing the children with the best possible education and recognises the way the school is embracing a culture of continuous improvement.”

“We are proud to acknowledge the many strengths and achievements of the school found by the inspectors, including in areas such as reading and mathematics, and will also use the valuable insights from Ofsted to focus on areas for further progress, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our children now and in the future.” 

“Enfield Heights has an exceptional Headteacher and teaching team, who have high aspirations for all the children in their care, and who are committed to working in very close partnership with our parents."

Highlights from the report

These are some of the comments from Ofsted

  • ‘Pupils do well at this school. They are happy and typically feel part of a school family’
  • ‘The school is calm and purposeful. Pupils are safe and feel valued’
  • ‘Pupils are well behaved. Incidents of bullying are rare’
  • ‘Leaders and staff have high aspirations for all pupils’
  • ‘Pupils enjoy being at school…their attitudes to learning are positive’ 
  • ‘The strong team spirit which exists within the school supports building pupils’ confidence and independence'
  • ‘A sense of pride permeates the school’s community, including parents and carers, who are full of praise for this school'

Key areas of strength

Reading was seen as a real strength:

The inspectors identified evidence that reading , including early reading and phonics, is a priority at Enfield Heights Academy.

Mathematics was seen as a real strength:

The inspectors’ findings regarding mathematics at Enfield Heights Academy were communicated to us as a real strength celebrating the consistency across the school in teaching maths concepts that lead to strong outcomes.  

Curriculum design and delivery is much improved since last short inspection:

Our development and delivery of the curriculum was recognised too outlining the importance we place on the children’s sequential learning and how we support all learners, including those with SEND, to achieve their very best. 

Our safeguarding is effective:

Safeguarding at school was highly praised by the inspectors, describing it to us, as robust. We were delighted with all of the positive comments made within the feedback that Senior Leaders received each day of the inspection.

The Ofsted Parent View survey was also very positive, and the inspectors celebrated the results gathered from the parents that they spoke to. We were delighted that 92% of parents said their children felt happy and safe at Enfield Heights Academy.

The Ofsted report

You can read the full report here.