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About Us

Force for Positive Change

Force for Positive Change is our curriculum key driver for our school. So what is it?

At Enfield Heights Academy we want our pupils to drive the change they want to see in the community and world they live in.

We are committed to supporting our pupils’ talents and characteristics so that they flourish as individuals, equipping them to manage the challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up. Through our school driver ‘Force for Positive Change’ our pupils know that they can make a difference and that their voices are heard. We nurture them to become agents of change within the school, local and wider community, utilising their subject knowledge and skills to make a real, meaningful difference.  

From fund raising events for charities, making important connections with the residents of our local nursing home ( Inter generational Project) to planting a meadow to improve on our immediate environment , children learn that every effort counts when playing an active role in making a positive impact on society.

On this page you will find out more about what initiatives the children have been involved in, as well as their learning.

Find out more from the children themselves too. At Enfield Heights Academy we always say: 

We are a Force for Positive Change.  Are you?

Our Inter-Generation Project with a Local Care Home

We believe in fostering connections that extend beyond the walls of our classrooms. We were thrilled to introduce an exciting inter-generation project, where our children join with residents from the local care home - Bridgewood House Care Home - to create a unique and heartwarming experience for everyone involved. We are working together on a number of intitiatives and recently planted a special tree together.

In an era marked by fast-paced digital interactions, our school recognizes the importance of building meaningful, face-to-face relationships that span generations. Our inter-generation project is a testament to our commitment to nurturing empathy, respect, and understanding among our students while providing companionship and a sense of purpose to the elderly residents in our community.

Creating a school playground meadow

Well done to our Year 3 pupils who planted seeds and nurtured them into a beautiful meadow. They've made our environment happier and greener. Check out the incredible transformation they've achieved in the photo below. 

Raising money for good causes

Our PTA get involved in raising cash for many good causes, including Macmillan Cancer Support.

Reading at Enfield Heights Academy 

Reading is an essential life skill is for pupils to be able to read fluently and confidently. It is our gateway to ensuring all pupils access the wider curriculum to succeed in all areas of learning.  

Our vision for reading 

At Enfield Heights Academy, we believe that it is the right of every child to become a competent and confident reader; able to live, work and succeed in the literate world with a passion for reading. Reading is one of our curriculum drivers.

We believe that children should be able to:

read fluently and confidently, 

use a wide vocabulary accurately and effectively,

be able to critique a range of fiction and non-fiction texts,

access the wider curriculum to its fullest and therefore to succeed in all areas of their learning. 

acquire the necessary reading skills to become ‘A Force for Positive Change’

Reading enables children to gain an invaluable insight into a world of imagination and therefore we understand our responsibility to foster a love of reading from a young age. By carefully selecting texts appropriate to our school and wider context, we aim to develop the cultural capital needed for children to succeed in a 21st Century adult life. Crucially, we aim to foster a love of literature and language through widespread reading for enjoyment.

Find out how we teach reading in Years 2-6 here.

Find out how we teach Early Years reading here.

 Find a help sheet on how to help your child at home with reading here.