Year 4 multiplication tables check coming in June


  • To understand what the statutory multiplication check (MTC) is
  • To find out when the check takes place
  • To understand what we are doing in school to prepare for the check
  • To share ways in which you support at home
  • To highlight the importance of encouraging your children to practise their times tables frequently (with a focus on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables)

Do I need to do anything to prepare my child for the check?

No, you do not need to do anything additional to prepare your child for the check. As part of usual practice, teachers may ask you to practise times tables with your child.

Schools will have unlimited access to a ‘try it out’ area from April. They can use this to make sure pupils have the necessary support required to access the check. This includes opportunities for pupils to familiarise themselves with the check application and try out any access arrangements that may be required.

Find out more here.