Grow your own at home

Growing food and herbs without a garden

Would you like to do some 'gardening'?

Even if you don’t have a garden you can grow something at home.

Let’s get started.

You will need some seeds. But don’t worry if you don’t have any seeds at home or you can’t get to the shops to buy some.

You can collect seeds from your fruit and vegetables - and its cheaper that way.

Collect seeds from apples, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, butternut squash, beans and lentils that you have at home.

Next you will need some pots.

You can easily use any plastic recyclable containers - such as margarine tubs, yogurt pots or milk bottles. These need small holes at the bottom for water drainage.

You will need a small bag of compost. Most supermarkets sell them if you are going for your food shopping.

Fill a pot with compost just over halfway, plant your seeds then cover with a bit more soil. Water to dampen the soil. Don’t let the soil dry out.

Keep your seed pots by a window sill near good light and sunshine - and watch your seeds grow.

Most seeds germinate in 7-14 days.