Children's Mental Health Week

Children's Mental Health Week

From 4-10 February 2019 is Children's Mental Health Week.

Place2Be who provide emotional and therapeutic services in primary and secondary schools are encouraging children, young people and adults to look after their bodies and their minds.

Believe Perform, who bring together those who have a passion for psychology have said the following things can help support your child's mental health.

Love - Be there for your child and show care and love

Exercise - Encourage play, exercise and sport

Be Proud - Tell your child that you are proud of them

Patience - Be patient. Don't pressure your child

Educate - Educate yourself about mental health problems

Coping - Help your child to learn some simple coping skills such as relaxation

Conversation - Encourage your child to engage in conversation

Behaviour - Keep an eye out for any changes in behaviour

Support - Regular support, encourage and praise your child

Help - Don't be afraid to seek help from professionals

Problem Solving - Help your child to effectively problem solve

Rest Time - Help your child to manage stress by building some rest time

Feeling - Get to know how your child is feeling

Listen - Make sure you take time to listen to what your child has to say

Symptoms - Be aware of signs and symptoms

Environment - Provide a positive environment for your child where they can thrive

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